3D 4D Ultrasound

A Clarification

This article is meant to serve as a clarification of 3D 4D Ultrasound, you can find plenty of further details throughout the articles on this website.

An ultrasound picture is created using reflected sound waves. 2D ultrasound, often referred to as the “traditional” ultrasound, has been used for more than 35 years without causing any damage to mother or baby.

2D ultrasound is the interpretation of sound waves in one single plain. The sound is aimed down in a straight line and is reflected directly back up. The black and white image produced is a representation of a cross-section of the baby.

3d 4d ultrasounds

3D ultrasounds operate in a more advanced way, termed “surface rendering”. As with 2D ultrasounds, sound waves are directed toward the intended area, however with 3D ultrasound the sound waves are directed at various angles. Advanced software is used by a sonographer to create an image from the sound waves and a 3D image is instantly available to see. The image produced allows incredible detail to be seen on screen.

4D ultrasound images are created using the same method as 3D ultrasound. However, 4D ultrasound provides live video streaming of the baby in the womb rather than the still image created by 3D.

The Bonding Effect of 3D 4D Ultrasound

Pregnant women all over the country are requesting elective ultrasounds via an ultrasound technician as they feel that it will have a positive influence on their pregnancy. It is also the case that recent scientific studies have proven that ultrasound scans can have a positive impact on the pregnant mother’s health pattern.

Furthermore, studies presented at an American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine meeting suggested that 3D ultrasounds have a positive impact on soon-to-be parents and the bond they develop with their unborn babies.

Pregnant women had a tendency to eat more healthily, do more exercise, and give up previous bad habits such as smoking and drinking. Another suggested benefit of ultrasound is the impact on fathers; they may become more involved with their partner’s pregnancy, being more supportive, understanding and appreciative of her situation.

How safe is ultrasound?

The first ever ultrasound was used over 40 years ago. Ultrasound differs a great deal from X-rays in that ionizing radiation is not present and embryotoxic effects associated with this type of irradiation are not relevant.

The utilization of high intensity ultrasound is linked with the effects of “cavitations” and “heating” which can be present with prolonged intonations in laboratory situations.

Although certain harmful effects in cells have been found in a laboratory setting, abnormalities in embryos and the young of animals and humans have not be explicitly shown in the large number of studies that have appeared to date in medical literature purporting to the use of diagnostic ultrasound in the clinical setting.

Results of small studies have suggested apparent side effects such as low birth weight, speech and hearing problems, brain damage and non-right-handedness.

These findings, however, have not been confirmed or substantiated in larger studies undertaken in Europe. A number of studies have been so complex that the results are extremely difficult to interpret. From time to time, ill effects of ultrasound on the fetus appear as a news item in papers and magazines. Of course continuous vigilance is necessary, markedly in areas of concern such as the use of pulsed Doppler in the first trimester.

By far the greatest risks arising from the use of 3d 4d ultrasound are the possible over- and under-diagnosis delivered by under-trained staff or an ultrasound technician, often working in relative isolation and using inadequate equipment.

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