Baby Ultrasound

Locations and Tips

A rising number of 3D/4D Baby Ultrasound centers have emerged over recent year, offering affordable elective ultrasounds to pregnant women. A number of organizations have expressed their concerns and have criticized the opening of these centers.

However, if is widely believed that ultrasound is safe to use during pregnancy, and all equipment is centrally regulated, why do these organizations object?

Several doctors express concern that patients will go for too many needless ultrasounds.

Conversely, if the main concern regarding ultrasound safety was based on overall exposure, it begs the question: “Why do high-risk pregnancies typically receive so many?”

baby ultrasound

Doctors are further concerned that expectant families may opt for these elective ultrasounds in place of the prescribed baby ultrasound requested by their medical professional. They are further concerned that unqualified ultrasound technicians may attempt to provide diagnostic information that they do not understand. This kind of specialist diagnosis should only be interpreted by a certified physician.

Elective 3d ultrasound should only be used as an addition to the regular ultrasounds prescribed by a physician. It should always be imperative that a full assessment be undertaken first in order to detect any potential prenatal problems. Elective ultrasound can then be used as an enjoyable tool for the future parents, providing a wonderful bonding experience.

How to Locate a Responsible Baby Ultrasound Provider

Despite the many enjoyable aspects of 3D and 4D ultrasound, it is imperative that safety and professionalism remain at the top of your list when selecting a service provider. 

Responsible ultrasound technologists and providers will request proof that their prospective client is visiting a healthcare provider for regular prenatal care. They should also require that the expectant mother has already completed a full-anatomical, second-trimester ultrasound study.

The baby ultrasound provider should consistently make use of the system’s obstetric mode to maintain FDA-established levels for frequency and power for prenatal use. Actual scanning length should be restricted to 25 minutes per session. In the event that a potential problem is discovered, the session should be immediately suspended and all findings must be forwarded to the mother’s regular healthcare professional.

As with most things, personal recommendation is often the best way to seek out a good sonographer. Unfortunately, a great number of sonographers and technicians forget that this is a special moment during a mother’s pregnancy.

It is always wise to ask around and find out about other people’s experiences. This is your chance to see your baby on your terms; you will want to ensure that you have the best possible experience.

This can only be achieved with the nicest surroundings, most up-to-date equipment, and professional, friendly staff at the baby ultrasound facility.

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